
“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” – Bhagavad Gita

 · 2 min read

 Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice which originated from ancient India. Its roots lie in a Sanskrit word called “Yuj” which means to join or attach or unite. Yoga represents a union of mind, body and spirit. The famous Yoga Sutras by Sage Patanjali is considered as the foundational scripture of classical yoga which includes several older traditions and was compiled around 400 CE. Due to his tremendous contributions Saga Patanijali is revered as the father of Yoga.


The core components of Yoga are:

  1. Yama (Self-regulation)
  2. Niyama (Observance or discipline)
  3. Asana (Postures)
  4. Mudras (Gestures)
  5. Bandhas (Neuro-muscular locks)
  6. Pranayama (Breathing regulations)
  7. Kriyas (Techniques to purify and eliminate blockages thus, enabling the absorption of pranic energy)
  8. Pratyahara (Withdrawal of senses)
  9. Dharana (Concentration)
  10. Dhyana (Meditation)
  11. Samadhi (State of meditative consciousness or enlightenment)


The ultimate goal of Yoga is ‘Moksha’ meaning liberation. There are various types of Yoga and the routine can be customized to deliver specific health benefits. Benefits of practising Yoga regularly are:

  1. Strong immunity
  2. Improved memory
  3. Help manage chronic health conditions
  4. Pain management
  5. Helps with curing allergies and viruses related illness
  6. Eases migraines
  7. Improves virility and fertility
  8. Helps with post-traumatic stress disorders
  9. Curbs food craving
  10. Optimal body weight management
  11. Strong and flexible body
  12. Build muscle strength
  13. Prevents cartilage and joint related issues
  14. Protects the spine
  15. Improves bone health
  16. Perfects the posture
  17. Improves the overall balance
  18. Improves the efficiency of lungs
  19. Cures respiratory diseases
  20. Promotes healthy heart
  21. Regulated the heart rate and blood pressure
  22. Helps manage cholesterol
  23. Increasing blood circulation
  24. Promotes glowing skin
  25. Maintains the nervous system
  26. Supports the connective tissue
  27. Regulates the adrenal glands
  28. Cures digestion related problems
  29. Regulates blood sugar
  30. Drains the lymph and sinuses
  31. Detoxes the entire system
  32. Increases focus and concentration
  33. Destress and relaxes
  34. Gives peace of mind
  35. Helps in sleeping deeper
  36. Boosts emotional health
  37. Regulates mood swings
  38. Increases self-worth
  39. Builds inner strength
  40. Brings about happiness
  41. Builds awareness
  42. Nurtures self-expression and benefits relationships
  43. Heals body and mind
  44. Transforms lifestyle
  45. Promotes holistic health and well-being

Dr. A. Sreekumar

Dr. A. Sreekumar is a Senior Consultant in ENT & Head and Neck Surgeon with more than 34 years of clinical practice and has been actively practicing Nutritional & Cellular Medicine for the last 14 years. Dr. Sreekumar is a Fellow of Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine (FACNEM)

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